District Court Bhadrak Recruitment 2022

Applications in the prescribed Format ‘A’ given below, are invited from the desirous
candidates for recruitment to the following posts under Group-C cadre as per the scale mentioned against
each category of post

  • The applicability of Odisha Group-C & Group-D posts (Contractual appointment ) Rules, 2013 for
    the sub-ordinate judiciary of the State is now subjudice before the Hon’ble Court in Judicial side vide
    W.P.(C ) No.1273/2014. Therefore, the appointment to the post Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist / Junior Typist /
    Stenographer Gr.-lll shall be made on regular basis against the vacancies of sanctioned posts subject to
    the result of W.P.(C ) No.1273/2014 pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Orissa.

l.Eligibility of the Candidates:
A candidate in order to be eligible for the above posts
(a) shall be a citizen of India.
(b) shall have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under section 3 of the
Odisha Higher Secondary Education Act 1982 or equivalent examination from a recognized Council, Board
or University as the case may be :
(c) shall have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized institute.
(d ) must not be below 18 years and above 38 years of age as on 05.08.2022 (vide Government of
Odisha G.A. & P.G. Notification No.771/Gen., dated 11.01.2022). Provided that, the upper age limit is
relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/SEBC and Women Candidates and 10 years in case of Person with
Disability Candidates. For Ex-Serviceman, after deducting the period of service rendered in Armed Forces
from the present age , the resultant age should not exceed 32 years.
(e) shall be able to speak, read and write Odia and have passed a test in Odia equivalent to the M.E.
(f) shall be of good character.
(g) shall be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity.
(h) shall have not more than one spouse living, if married.
(i) shall have no Criminal antecedent.
(j) shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in type writing in English per minute.( For the post of
(k) shall possess a minimum speed of 80 words in Shorthand and 40 words in typewriting in English per
minute.( For the post of Jr. Stenographers (Grade-Ill))
(l) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they
possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age-limit. They must inform their
respective Fleads of Office in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and
obtain “No Objection Certificate”.

  1. Educational Qualification
    (A) For the post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Copyist and Jr. Typist :-
    The Candidate (i) Must have passed at least intermediate / +2 examination certificate or equivalent certificate
    conducted by the council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Fligher Secondary Education Act, 1982
    or equivalent examination from a recognized council /Board / University, as the case may be
    (ii) Must have possessed a minimum speed of 40 words per minute in typewriting (for the post of Junior
    (B) For the post of Stenographer Gr.-lll :-
    The Candidate i) Must have passed at least intermediate / +2 examination certificate or equivalent certificate
    conducted by the council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Fligher Secondary Education Act, 1982
    or equivalent examination from a recognized council /Board / University, as the case may be
    (ii) Must have knowledge in short hand with a speed of 80 words per minute and typing in English with a
    speed of 40 words per minute.

Fee for Examination.
The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Flundred) only in
shape of Treasury Challan under the head “0070-Other Administrative Services-01-Administration of
Justice-501-Services and Service fees-9904650-Law Department-9916730-Examination Fees for
recruitment conducted by Orissa District & Sub-ordinate Courts” and to enclose the deposit challan in
original along with their applications form. The S.C. & S.T. candidates are exempted from payment of
Examination Fees. Fees so deposited are non-refundable.

Last date of receipt of application :
Applications along with the required documents and self attested copies of certificates
duly signed by the candidates shall be sent to the Registrar, Civil Courts, Bhadrak, At-Nalanga, P.O.-
Barikpur Bazar, District -Bhadrak, Pin-756112 by post so as to reach in the Office on or before 5.00 P.M.
on 5.8.2022. The candidates may also drop their application lorm on the “Application Drop Box” kept in
the Office of the Registrar, Civil Courts, Bhadrak. The application received beyond the date and lime shall
be summarily rejected.

More Details go to Official Website: Click Here

Full Details go to Official Notification: Click Here