Online applications are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the
following essential qualifications and other eligibility condition as on
01.07.2022 for preparation of a panel for filling up 210 vacancies anticipated
upto 31.12.2022 for the post of Junior Court Assistant (Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted) placed in Level 6 of Pay Matrix with initial Basic Pay of Rs.
35,400/-. The approximate Gross Salary as per existing rate of allowances
including HRA comes to Rs. 63068/- per month (pre-revised pay scale PB-2
with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-).
The number of vacancies is tentative and subject to change i.e. increase
or decrease due to administrative reasons.
Essential Qualifications :
Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University
Minimum speed of 35 w.p.m. in English Typing on Computer
Knowledge of Computer operation
Age Requirement
Candidates should not be below 18 years and above 30 years of age as
on 01.07.2022. Usual relaxation in age will be admissible to
SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-Servicemen and dependents of Freedom
Fighters as per Government Rules. There will be no upper age limit for
departmental candidates of the Registry of Supreme Court. However, no
relaxation in age will be allowed to the candidates working in other
Government departments etc.
Full Details Notification: Click Here
For Apply go to Official Website: Click Here